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Are breast implants under warranty?
Yes. Most manufacturers cover their implants under warranty. They differ in their duration, coverage, and extra fees. Each of these manufacturers warranties is very strong. All of them provide a level of coverage and protection that is unusual in any product, particularly one that receives as much wear-and-tear as a breast implant. We do not recommend choosing an implant brand based on warranty alone. The breast implant brand used for your surgery should be discussed in detail with Dr. Fichadia and ought to be based on a variety of factors.
How long is breast augmentation recovery?
Dr. Fichadia uses innovative techniques to make breast augmentation a rapid recovery procedure. The patients should be able to go out the same evening. The soreness in the muscle feels more like it feels after an intense work out. Patients can expect to take up to three days off work or school. Any physical or strenuous activity should be avoided for two weeks post-op, at which point all activities can be resumed. The optimal results from breast augmentation will still not be apparent for a few months as the tissues heal.
What happens if you do not massage your breast implants?
Some patients have heard that massaging your breasts after breast augmentation is good for preventing capsular contracture, but this is unproven in the literature. In the initial healing period, massaging the breasts can do more harm than good. After surgery, you will be fitted with a surgical bra or compression garment to aid in healing and making sure the implants settle into the desired position. Once healing process is over, implant massage can be done, but there is no clear cut evidence that this helps prevent capsular contracture.
What causes breast implants to rupture?
All breast implants have a chance of rupturing. Over time, the risks of implant rupture increases. Most implant rupture is caused due to aging of the implant, but rarely, it can also be caused by trauma from accidents or impact to the breasts.
What is a gummy bear implant?
A gummy bear implant is one of the many implant options available for breast augmentation. these implants are silicone gel breast implants that contain a more form-stable material. They are called gummy bear implants because they are known to retain their shape better than other types of implants while still allowing breasts to still be naturally soft.
Do breasts sag after breast augmentation?
Breast implants can sag over time, especially if they are large. The augmentation surgery does not stop the skin from aging so the natural strength and skin elasticity of the breasts can change, to causing the implants to sag.
Can breast implants cause pain years later?
Yes. Breast implants can cause pain either due to capsular contracture (where the shell around the implant gets thickened and tight) or leakage (which may or may not always be painful).
Can breast implants last 30 years?
Yes, they can, but it is more an exception than the rule. Breast implants can have weakness in their outer shell 10-20 years after placement, causing leakage. It may not always be visually apparent through breast shape. For patients, it is important to understand that breast implants will likely need additional surgeries in the future for replacement or removal or revision.
Can fat be transferred to breasts?
Yes!! Fat transfer is a great way for all-natural breast augmentation, with the added benefit of contouring a different area of your body. It is one of Dr Fichadias clinical interests as well.
Will Cigna cover breast augmentation?
Cosmetic breast augmentation is not covered by insurance.
Whats the safest breast implant?
All the currently available breast implants have undergone rigorous testing and found to be safe. That being said, it is important to understand that they are not meant to be lifetime devices, and will need replacement in the future. For silicone breast implants, FDA recommends screening for silent rupture by an MRI starting 5-6 years after placement and every 2-3 years thereafter.
What are gummy bear implant?
A gummy bear implant is one of the many implant options available for breast augmentation. these implants are silicone gel breast implants that contain a more form-stable material. They are called gummy bear implants because they are known to retain their shape better than other types of implants while still allowing breasts to still be naturally soft.
How long are breast augmentation incisions sore?
Breast augmentation incisions can be sore for upto 1-2 weeks. Most patients dont need any strong opioid-type pain medications after the surgery.
How do you know if you have capsular contracture?
If the breast starts to feel firm and/or tight, that may be a sign of early capsular contracture.
Can you breast feed after breast augmentation
Yes! You can breast feed after breast augmentation, especially if the incision is made in the breast fold at the bottom of the breast, which is what Dr Fichadia recommends. It is important to know that a certain percentage of women may have trouble with breastfeeding regardless of whether they have implants placed or not.
Can I move my arms after breast augmentation?
Yes! Dr Fichadia encourages arm movement after breast augmentation to promote speedy recovery. In fact, you will start doing arm stretches in the recovery area itself!
Does getting breast implants make you gain weight?
There is no clear scientific evidence linking breast implants with weight gain.
Do breast implants cause autoimmune disease?
At this point, there is no strong scientific evidence suggesting a direct link between breast implants and autoimmune diseases.
Do you have to replace breast implants every 10 years?
Breast implants are not meant to be lifetime devices and will likely need replacement in the future. This time is variable, but usually between 10-15 years. If your breasts look good, and imaging shows no rupture, there is no reason to replace the implants immediately. In general, the longer the implants have been in place, the more likely it is to find a rupture.
How do I know if my breast implant is leaking?
With saline filled breast implants, a leakage will result in visible loss of volume of the breasts. With silicone breast implants, there can be a rupture without any obvious visible changes to the breast. An MRI or high resolution ultrasound can be helpful to evaluate if the implant is ruptured.
Does insurance cover breast implants?
Insurance covers placement of breast implants only after a mastectomy (removal of breast tissue) for breast cancer treatment or prevention. Insurance does not cover cosmetic breast implant placement.
How dangerous is breast augmentation surgery?
A breast augmentation surgery is takes 1-1.5 hours under general anesthesia, and is extremely safe. It is an outpatient surgery with return to daily low impact activities within 2-3 days.
Is breast enlargement possible without surgery?
There is no way to enlarge breast tissue without surgery.
What are cohesive breast implants?
A cohesive breast implant has cross linked silicone which reduces the risk of rippling and implant rupture.
How painful is breast augmentation recovery?
Dr Fichadia uses rapid recovery technique for breast augmentation using breast implants. It is an outpatient surgery, and patients return to their daily activities within 2-3 days. Most patients dont require anything more than Tylenol and anti inflammatory pain medications. It is important to follow all the instructions and post surgery stretches to ensure smooth recovery.
Is there an alternative to breast implants?
Fat grafting is an alternative way to enhance the size and shape of the breast tissue. Dr Fichadia harvests unwanted fat from other areas through liposuction and injects it into the breast tissue for permanent breast enlargement.
Is getting a breast augmentation worth it?
Breast augmentation is one of the surgeries with a very high patient satisfaction rate.
What is the difference between a breast augmentation and breast implants?
A breast augmentation is an enlargement in breast size, most commonly done using breast implants. It can also be done using fat grafting to the breast.
What is the average cost of a breast augmentation?
Average cost of a breast augmentation (using silicone breast implants) with Dr Fichadia is $7200- $7900
What are Natrelle breast implants?
Natrelle is a line of breast implants made by Allergan
What can go wrong with breast implants?
Breast implants can rupture, go out of position, and develop tightness of surrounding scar tissue (capsular contracture)
how much does breast augmentation cost?
Average cost of a breast augmentation (using silicone breast implants) with Dr Fichadia is $7200- $7900
What is the most common breast implant size?
Dr Fichadia recommends a breast implant based on your chest measurements and size goals for bespoke results, therefore, there is no one size that fits most of our patients.
Dr. Fichadia is a double board-certified, comprehensively trained plastic and reconstructive surgeon. She completed general surgical training at St Elizabeth’s Medical Center, an affiliate of Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, MA, and subsequently completed a highly competitive plastic surgery program at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, OR. She has presented research from her time in Boston and Portland at national and international surgical meetings such as Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons and annual meeting of American Society of Plastic Surgery.
- Dr. Hetal Fichadiahttps://www.drfichadia.com/author/admin/
- Dr. Hetal Fichadiahttps://www.drfichadia.com/author/admin/
- Dr. Hetal Fichadiahttps://www.drfichadia.com/author/admin/
- Dr. Hetal Fichadiahttps://www.drfichadia.com/author/admin/